Welcome to the Transportation Security Administration Indirect Air Carrier Management System (IACMS).
Already have an IACMS User Account?
Indirect Air Carrier users, Air Carrier users, and Agent users who already have an IACMS user account may login to IACMS by selecting the LOGIN button.
Don't have an IACMS user account?
New Indirect Air Carriers (IACs)
Please select the APPLY button to start a new application.
New Air Carriers (ACs)
Please contact your Principal Security Inspector (PSI) for more information.
New Self-Managed Agents (SMAs)
Please contact your Indirect Air Carrier (IAC) for more information.
Password Help
Passwords expire every 90 days. If you are unable to login, you may need to request a new password. If you are having difficulty accessing IACMS, please contact the TSA Air Cargo Help Desk at 1-866-906-0891.
Security Threat Assessment (STA) Information
Security Threat Assessments (STAs) must be conducted on certain individuals pursuant to 49 CFR 1544.228, 1546.213, 1548.15, 1548.16, and 1548.7.
Access All CFRsPaper STA Application
You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to view the printable STA application. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, please download the latest version.
Online STA Application using Authorization Key
If you would like to complete an online STA application, you will be required to have your IAC's IAC Number and your assigned Authorization Key.
Note: The online STA application is for Legacy Agent and IAC Station use only.